Neighbourhood Plans
The 2011 Localism Act has given communities the right to draw up a Neighbourhood Plan. This right is aimed at giving local communities genuine opportunities to influence the future of the places where they live.
The preparation of the Long Whatton and Diseworth Neighbourhood Plan is intended to allow people who live, work and have a business in the area to have a say where they think new houses and businesses should be located and what they should look like. A Neighbourhood Plan can also identify and protect important Local Green Spaces, conserve local heritage and protect areas of nature conservation interest. The Long Whatton and Diseworth Neighbourhood Plan will be a statutory plan which means that once it has been finalised, decisions on planning applications will be made using both the North West Leicestershire Local Plan and the Neighbourhood Plan, and any other material considerations.
Pre-Submission Consultation
Consultation on the proposed Neighbourhood Plan for Long Whatton and Diseworth will take place for a period of six weeks from Monday 12 February to Monday 25 March 2024. This consultation forms part of the statutory consultation required by Regulation 14 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012.
During the consultation period, the following 'drop in' sessions will provide an opportunity to examine the contents of the Plan and to discuss it in more detail:
Friday 1st March: 4.00 pm - 7.00 pm
Diseworth Village Hall, Hall Gate, Diseworth DE74 2QJ
Friday 8th March: 4.00 pm - 7.00 pm
Long Whatton Friendship Centre, Main Street, Long Whatton LE12 5DF
To comment on any aspect of the Pre-Submission Draft of the Plan, please write to Long Whatton and Diseworth Parish Council or complete and return a copy of the Pre-Submission Representation Form. The form can be downloaded below. Comments may be returned:
Via e-mail to:
By post to: Long Whatton and Diseworth Parish Council, c/o Samantha Lockwood, Peggs Barn, Main Street, Hemington, Derby DE74 2RB
Representations must be submitted to Long Whatton and Diseworth Parish Council no later than: 5pm on Monday 25 March 2024
Strategic Environmental Assessment
All plan-making and decision-making should help to achieve sustainable development. To demonstrate how the Neighbourhood Plan contributes to improvements in environmental conditions Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) screening was undertaken by North West Leicestershire District Council between July and November 2023. SEA Screening was required before the Parish Council could approve the Draft Neighbourhood Plan for consultation. In the interim period, there have been several events including the cancellation of the northern leg of HS2 and new national planning guidance. These will be addressed in the next version of the Neighbourhood Plan.
What happens next?
All representations and comments received will be considered by Long Whatton and Diseworth Parish Council and may be used to amend the Pre-Submission Draft of the Plan. Following this, a Consultation Statement, including a summary of all comments received and how these were considered, will be made available on the Parish Council website.
The Plan will then be submitted to North West Leicestershire District Council for publication and, under Regulation 16 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012, a further six-week public consultation will take place before it is sent to an Independent Examiner.
The Examiner will either recommend that:
- the Plan is submitted to a referendum;
- is modified to meet the 'Basic Conditions' and then submitted to a referendum; or that
- the Plan is refused.
If the Examiner is satisfied, North West Leicestershire District Council will arrange a referendum. If the Plan is approved by a simple majority of those voting in the referendum, the District Council will adopt it.
Consultation Documents
Long Whatton and Diseworth Neighbourhood Plan: Pre-Submission Draft 2022-2031
Long Whatton and Diseworth Design Code
Basic Conditions
A neighbourhood plan must meet each of a set of basic conditions before it can be put to a referendum and be made. The basic conditions state that plans must:
- Have regard to national policies and advice contained in guidance issued by the Secretary of State.
- Contribute to the achievement of sustainable development.
- Be in general conformity with the strategic policies contained in the development plan for the area.
- Not breach, and otherwise be compatible with, EU obligations (now part of UK Law).
- Comply with other prescribed matters.
National Policies and Guidance
The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) was first published on 27 March 2012 and updated on 24 July 2018, 19 February 2019, 20 July 2021 and 19 December 2023. This sets out the Government's planning policies for England and how these are expected to be applied.
The planning practice guidance that supports the NPPF is published online.
The Development Plan
The relevant development plan for the area is the North West Leicestershire Local Plan 2011 to 2031. The current Local Plan was adopted by North West Leicestershire District Council on 16 March 2021 following a partial review.
North West Leicestershire District Council is undertaking a Local Plan Review. Consultation is taking place between 5 February and 17 March 2024. There are some aspects of the Local Plan that the Parish Council will not agree with, but ultimately the Neighbourhood Plan and the Local Plan must compliment each other.
In summer 2021 a questionnaire was delivered to local households inviting residents to complete the survey. There were 353 responses.
Summary of Questionnaire Responses
Long Whatton and Diseworth Parish Council has commissioned consultants to undertake a landscape study to support planning policies that identify the distinctive qualities of local landscape character that are to be conserved and enhanced. The Study will also help make comments on the proposed new settlement at Isley Woodhouse and warehousing proposals near Diseworth.
Housing Site Selection
One of the key issues for the Neighbourhood Plan concerns housing development.